Like in English, there are a wide variety of ways to say “beautiful”, “cute”, “handsome”, “hot”. Such words may be appropriate or inappropriate depending whether the subject is a woman (Xinh quá for pretty) or a man (Đẹp trai quá for handsome) or whether it is meant romantically or non-romantically.

Bạn đang xem: Cute girl

Đẹp vượt – A Beautiful Woman in Vietnamese

Đẹp thừa (pronounced lượt thích dep kwah) is meant for beautiful women. It can refer to both her physical appearance or personality. It is the highest standard of beauty and is used most commonly.

Much like “beauty” in English, rất đẹp quá can also be used to talk about beautiful things, lượt thích great works of art, beautiful music, beautiful scenery, or amazing architecture. For example: “This church has beautiful architecture” – “kiến trúc thánh địa đẹp“.

However, đẹp mắt quá cannot be used lớn refer to lớn beautiful men (see below). If a man is called đẹp nhất quá, then it implies that he is very effeminate or homosexual.

RELATED: How khổng lồ flirt in Vietnamese – 6 Complimentary Phrases that Women Like

Xinh quá – A Physically Attractive Woman in Vietnamese

Xinh vượt (pronounced lượt thích sin kwah) – This beauty is used when referring to the physical beauty of a woman (i.e., pretty). It is distinguished from “Đẹp” in that it means the subject has a particular feminine beauty, not a general beauty.

For example, xinh quá can be used to compliment beautiful things and artworks, but the underlying sense is that they are beautiful in a feminine way. An old beautiful church would not be Xinh quá, but Đẹp quá. Likewise, a pretty spring dress with lots of flowers would be as Xinh quá.

Đẹp trai thừa – Handsome Man in Vietnamese

Đẹp trai (pronounced like dep chai) – this beauty can only be used when referring to lớn men, much lượt thích the word handsome in English. It would be a little insulting lớn refer to a woman as đẹp trai.

Dễ thương vượt – How lớn Say “Cute” in Vietnamese?

Dễ thương quá (pronounced ze t-wo-ung qua) means cute. Like its English equivalent, cute has connotations of being childish, innocent, và adorable. For example, kittens & cartoons can be dễ thương và đáng yêu quá. Young children of either sex can be dễ thương quá.

It can be used for things, like jewelry và clothes, but there is an implication that such objects are girly & youthful. Old men, or somber works of art, cannot be đáng yêu và dễ thương quá.

There is even an Vietized word that inherits from the English cute: “koo-teh” means cute.

Nóng rộp – Hot Women in Vietnam (or Men)

Nóng bỏng is lượt thích burning hot or sexy. It can be used khổng lồ refer lớn either sexy women or men. Both men and women use it lớn refer khổng lồ sexually attractive members of the opposite sex.

Like in English, nóng rộp shouldn’t be used in public or polite places — you might confide in your co-worker that you think so-and-so is nóng Bỏng.

Hot Boys and Hot Girls in Vietnamese — Vietnam Likes it Hót!

The Vietnamese slang for a hot girl is hót gơ, pronounced like hot gu(rl) with a suppressed rl that is typical of a french u.

Likewise, the slang for a hot boy is hót boi.

Both of these slangs have the same meaning as nóng bỏng (sexy/hot) but are much less serious. The use of Vietized-English makes them much less serious và more joking.

RELATED: How khổng lồ say boyfriend/girlfriend in Vietnamese

Tinh Tế – An Elegant Woman in Vietnamese

Tinh tế is lượt thích the English equivalent of elegant or classy, generally reserved for women, but also luxurious items.

Tinh tế is not just about physical elegance, but also about the woman’s behaviour: i.e., classy, regal & lady-like.

So F**king Beautiful!

To be hip và cool and địa chỉ extra emphasis to your declarations of beauty, you can replace Đẹp quá with Đẹp vãi đái – it is best translated as “You’re so f**king beautiful!” Read more about this beloved (and kinda rude) slang here: vãi đái.

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Ảnh Baby cute Tuyển Chọn

Nhiều người rất yêu mếm trẻ em, vì chúng tương đối dễ yêu thương và dễ thương các bạn cũng có thể cưng nựng, bế bồng, ôm hôn và chọc ghẹo. Thú vui của các em bé xíu baby khiến họ xua tung đi rất nhiều sự lo toan, nỗi bi ai trong cuộc sống.

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Bài viết sau đây sẽ tổng hợp share cho chúng ta tuyển bộ ảnh bé gái dễ thương, dễ thương và đáng yêu nhất rồi. Các bạn cũng có thể tải về nhằm ngắm mỗi ngày hoặc đặt có tác dụng hình nền, hình thay mặt đại diện trên mạng thôn hội.