During the song Dynasty, Ye Zhao cross dresses khổng lồ become a general of outstanding ability, receiving a đứng top rank of general.Oh My General featuring Ma Sichun và Peter Sheng has one or more episodes không tính phí on Tubi, & available for purchase on Prime Video. It's a drama and romance show with 60 episodes over 1 season. Oh My General is no longer running and has no plans lớn air new episodes or seasons. It has a better than average IMDb audience rating of 7.5 (34 votes).

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Oh My General Overview

During the tuy vậy Dynasty, Ye Zhao cross dresses to lớn become a general of outstanding ability, receiving a top rank of general.

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After a life of passing herself for a man khổng lồ lead the army,General Ye Zhao (Ma Sichun) finally comes home, only to lớn be rewarded for her services by marriage to
Prince Yujin (Sheng Yilun). But the spoiled and hedonistic prince is determined not lớn wed this barbaric woman.

I… Did Not Expect That

For my first đánh giá of a Chinese drama, I’m choosing khổng lồ write about a UFO of a show. Honestly, the premise — a woman as the stern, badass buổi tiệc nhỏ of the couple is eye-catching, but what’s even better is that it’s not an empty promise lượt thích one might expect from a Chinese production. Really, this was unexpectedly feminist of them.


Because this woman may want marriage and kids, but that doesn’t take anything from her strength of character. Just because she wants it doesn’t mean sheneeds it. She exists, has a life of her own beyond her husband, who has his own friends and occupations. In other words, this is a healthy relationship between two complementary people who respect each other, without complying khổng lồ the gender roles society would have them fulfill.


Respectful Role Reversals

Yes, you got that right. Oh My General is basically the role reversal drama you never knew you’d been craving, and it works. Why does it work? Because neither of the main characters appears ridiculed or overly praised for their respective attributes. Lying down on his side like a damsel doesn’t make Yujin ridiculous or effeminate, but delicate as he’s supposed khổng lồ be. He loves decorating and the arts, but it doesn’t make him weak in the slightest. Although he doesn’t know any martial arts, his mind more than compensates.


Ye Zhao, on the other hand, dresses, walks, fights & talks like a man. She knows absolutely nothing about flowers, sewing, or household-managing, và her idea of room-decoration stops at hanging a spiked mace over her bed. But her martial arts are outstanding, she’s loyal, kind, smart, & she will take none of your bullshit, sir. And you know what takes the cake?

She’s bi.

You don’t believe me, vì chưng you? You think I’m overreaching? I’m really not, trust me. It’s said on several occasions, both by herself & others, that she’s a notorious flirt, and would love nothing more than for her husband to get more concubines so she can be surrounded by beautiful women và flirt all day. Heck, this couple’s idea of a lãng mạn trip is flirting together with pretty girls.


So, um. Yes. Consider me stunned. I couldn’t believe it the first time she said it, let alone the others. This… is incredible, and I wonder how they managed lớn get this past censorship, but you know. Let’s not look gift horses in the mouth.

Inclusion, yes, that’s great. But what about the romance?


Well, my lovelies. I suggest you hold on khổng lồ your hearts and don’t watch in the dark with somebody trying khổng lồ sleep, because Ma Sichun và Sheng Yilun will have you squealing, giggling, và generally cooing over their sizzling chemistry in a heartbeat. Really, the romance in
Oh My Generalis so sweet you’ll probably need a dentist appointment midway through, with all the couple goals you could imagine. Seriously, they’re so romantic, I can’t help but sigh dreamily just at remembering some scenes.


Another thing that really stood out in
Oh My Generalwas the obvious effort lớn include poetry, an effort which actually went very smoothly. There are verses to lớn be recited every other episode, even during combat training, và you have to appreciate the beauty of them as you watch.

The one downside to
Oh My Generalwould be its pacing. While the “falling in love episodes” are awesome và will definitely keep your attention, those that follow feel lượt thích fillers and frankly could have been scrapped altogether without any loss. A lot of screentime is given khổng lồ secondary characters we could care less about, and parts of the ending felt reaaally rushed.

All in All…

Overall, though,Oh My Generalmakes for an entertaining watch with compelling characters… just be prepared to lớn skip forward a little when you get khổng lồ the fillers.

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Check out the article I wrote for Soompi

Need more reasons to lớn watch
Oh My General? check out the piece I wrote for Soompi about this show:Looking For An Atypical Period Drama? Here Are 7 Reasons “Oh My General” Is Worth The Watch.