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4.0 out of 5 stars Mellows out a bit after the season opener Reviewed in the United States on October 25, năm nhâm thìn
UPDATE: After 6 episodes I have lớn say "SPEED UP THE PLOT!!" The season premier was packed full of drama và excitement and fear and everything else. Since that time it"s been kind of a drag. Plot elements that could have been put in place in 15 minutes are given 70 minute full episodes. I can see that they are setting up the story universe lượt thích a chess match, where they are getting all the pieces in position to make a group assault on Neegan. That"s pretty obvious. But it"s taking FOREVER khổng lồ get there.The story is becoming too fragmented. The main characters have barely been in season 7 through 6 episodes. Through episode 6 the overarching plot of the show has moved about 1 week forward overall. Meaning it"s been all of a week since Neegan introduced the survivors to lớn Lucille. Tốc độ it up!Original nhận xét below....There"s been a ton of talk that The Walking Dead went too far this time in the season 7 opener. I disagree. In the first 6 seasons of this show we"ve seen people eaten alive by zombies on a regular basis. We"ve seen people shot. We"ve see people stabbed. We"ve seen Hershel"s leg amputated with no pain killers. We"ve watched Carol kill a psychotic little girl. We"ve seen the chip core group giảm giá with literal cannibals who wanted khổng lồ kill/cook/eat them. We"ve seen countless zombies blown up, burned, heads smashed in, etc. For that matter we"ve attentively watched the entire fall of civilization và seen the remnants of society collapse into complete chaos. So I fail lớn see how someone getting thumped with a baseball bat is somehow "over the line".Also consider that the entire episode where Neegan is using his bat to instill fear in Rick"s crew after Rick tried lớn take power away from Neegan is taken from real life events. On May 7, 1929 Al Capone hosted a dinner các buổi party for all of the high cấp độ mobsters who worked for him. Capone knew that 2 of them men were plotting to kill him to lớn take over his empire. So with the intent khổng lồ scare the living snot out of the rest of his crew so badly they would be far too scared to lớn ever cross him, Capone beat both men to lớn death with a baseball bat in front of everyone else.That is a real life sự kiện that actually happened, và the Season 7 opener for The Walking Dead pretty much parallels those real life events. (Guy in charge is threatened so he publicly kills two people with a baseball bat lớn keep everyone else in line. Exactly the same.) If that sounds familiar it"s because Robert De Niro portrayed that sự kiện in the 1987 movie The Untouchables. That scene has become one of the more iconic moments in film history. Was it okay 30 years ago because they were wearing tuxedos?
I think The Walking Dead made it uncomfortable to lớn watch, largely because you are so invested in these characters by now that losing someone you feel like you know actually hurts a little. While watching it I had the same helpless feeling that the characters on the screen did.The show really immerses the audience into the story like that. You think you"re just watching TV but you find yourself connected lớn the characters and you feel lượt thích you"re part of Rick"s group....or Neegan"s group now as the case may be.As for the season opener, they made it hard to watch. But I think the show runners skillfully knew what the line was that would have been too far (Carl"s arm) and took you right to lớn that point, pushed you over it just a little bit, then tugged you back to a point where you were still uncomfortable but weren"t turning off the TV. If Neegan had let Rick vì chưng it (if you"re seen it, you know what I mean, if you haven"t...don"t worry about it) I think it would have been too far for me. But he didn"t. They stopped just short of making the show too hard to lớn watch. The kết thúc result is that I"m now more committed to lớn the rest of season 7 than I"ve been for the previous 6 seasons combined.This Neegan business is going to lớn prove khổng lồ be an even tougher challenge than the hordes of walkers they dealt with on their long trip from Georgia to Virginia. Neegan makes the cannibals of Terminus look lượt thích a church choir.Remember when the biggest challenge to lớn the survivors was getting Hershel to lớn realize that the walkers weren"t just sick people that should still be loved & cared for? Those early episodes are on par with Sesame Street compared khổng lồ what the survivors are dealing with now. The Governor? That dude looks lượt thích Mr Rodgers compared to Neegan. Somehow the apocalypse just keeps getting worse! At least in some wherever Rick seems to lớn be at any given moment.The Kingdom that is going lớn be featured prominently in season 7 looks like a nice oasis. After meeting King Ezekiel in episode 2 và seeing The Kingdom it"s pretty clear that there is still good in this post apocalyptic world & that the entire season 7 isn"t going to be death and destruction. So while the season premier was tough to watch, the rest of the season looks lượt thích it"ll be on par with other seasons.The production value stays high for season 7. That makes sense at the overall monetary value of the show keeps going up. They clearly aren"t cutting the production budget. Và it is nice that they are starting khổng lồ make bad people into a bigger threat than the walker hordes. I figure it"s been about 2-3 years since the outbreak (based on the age of Judith, who is a good reference point for how much actual time has passed on the show). So it makes sense that the number of walkers is starting to lớn decline in areas where survivors are. Eventually even a zombie has lớn rot away or get trapped somewhere. And groups of survivors are starting to grow more powerful và fight one another, just like I would assume will happen when society eventually does fall apart. Just look at places on earth today where civilized society has collapsed. Aside from the zombies, this stuff actually happens.To the parents groups who think this shouldn"t be on TV....learn how to say "No" to lớn your kids. I promise it"s good for them khổng lồ hear the word once in a while. It"s a show that airs at 9pm on a school night. If your young kids are watching this, you"re parenting wrong. It"s not AMC"s fault that you can"t say "no" for your precious snowflake. If you don"t lượt thích the show and want to lớn leave a 1 star nhận xét of it, more power khổng lồ you. I get that this isn"t for everyone. But don"t act lượt thích the show should be banned because it"s not for you.

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Rick and his friends have PLANS, y’all. AMC
Emily St. James was a senior correspondent for, covering American identities. Before she joined in 2014, she was the first TV editor of the A.V. Club.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but The Walking Dead is in trouble. Ratings are down, the show’s storytelling has seen better days, và the Negan arc has drawn no shortage of critical jeers (including from me).

And yet ... The show is still one of the biggest scripted series on television. Even with ratings slumping as much as they have, there are lots & lots and lots of people who watch The Walking Dead week to lớn week, so there’s no real incentive khổng lồ right the ship.

But even if there were, The Walking Dead is seven years old. It’s ridiculously hard lớn change course with a series that old, because audiences have largely seen everything it has in its bag of tricks (not to lớn mention that this show in particular is rather faithful to lớn a preexisting series of comics).

So the folks behind The Walking Dead have done what you’re supposed to vì chưng in this situation: They’ve teased that this latest batch of episodes (the second half of season seven) will return khổng lồ what made the show so beloved in the first place. The storytelling will be tighter và less grim. The characters will move forward. We’ll get back to lớn the “Rick against the world” tone of the early seasons.

All of the above is true in the midseason premiere, so far as it goes. But at the same time, “Rock in the Road” is further evidence that The Walking Dead might have permanently strayed from its most productive path.

The story might be moving forward, but it’s still sluggishly paced

The biggest problem with the first half of The Walking Dead’s seventh season was how mired it became in nothingness. It was a slog, with no momentum, where the characters simply lived underneath Negan’s iron fist. It wasn’t just boring; it was actively unsatisfying.

The over of the first half-season featured Rick và company deciding it was time to lớn take the fight to lớn Negan, having finally had enough. In và of itself, this move gives The Walking Dead a touch of the momentum it’s lacked for quite a while now. The characters have a quest, và with that quest comes a feeling of urgency.

Michonne is ready to go. AMC Consider the sequence that unexpectedly turns out khổng lồ be the episode’s most compelling one. Rick and his Alexandria-bound pals discover a blocked-off highway on-ramp, which they surmise must lead lớn one of the Saviors’ facilities. While exploring, they discover a trap laid by the Saviors & laced with explosives. They want the explosives, so they carefully dismantle it, even as a gigantic herd of zombies bears down on them.

At first, the sequence feels bogged down by many of the show’s worst tendencies — especially when it seems khổng lồ involve little more than the crew moving a bunch of parked cars like post-apocalyptic valets. But the steady accumulation of plot points gives it a slow-building tension that resolves in gleeful zombie carnage: Rick và Michonne driving two cars in tandem, with a cable strung between the vehicles decapitating and bisecting every zombie it bloodily roars through.

If nothing else, it proves The Walking Dead still knows how to kill zombies with style. But how many times have we seen Rick & the gang take on a seemingly unstoppable foe? The show’s larger problems are macro problems, problems with the very way the show is constructed and just how repetitive it’s become. The audience isn’t turned off by Negan because he’s a horrible character (though he is that); the audience is turned off because we’ve seen characters lượt thích him before.

Season seven’s other big story — in which Alexandria, Hilltop, & the Kingdom khung a fitful alliance lớn take down Negan (King Ezekiel isn’t in yet, but you know he will be) — is slightly better, if only because we haven’t seen a million other versions of it in past seasons. But functionally, it’s played out as an endless series of variations on “the gang is separated, then finds each other again” storyline that already we’ve seen too many times. The same applies lớn the army of folks who surround Rick và his friends at episode’s end, who are presumably the heavily armed, all-woman colony introduced earlier in the season.

Rather than really delving into, say, the Kingdom’s reluctance khổng lồ take on Negan, or its relative affluence compared with the other communities, The Walking Dead is mostly interested in the Kingdom as a series of weirdo medieval affectations and a place for assorted supporting characters lớn hang out until the story needs them again.

The Walking Dead is struggling on an episodic màn chơi too

While The Walking Dead’s problems are more noticeable on the macro level, they’re not limited khổng lồ it.

It used to lớn be that you could explain, more or less, what any given episode of The Walking Dead was about, what smaller goal the characters were trying to accomplish, even if it was something stupid like trying lớn get a zombie out of a well. But the more the series has fallen under Negan’s sway, the less true that’s become.

King Ezekiel has had enough of these goofballs. AMC
What, precisely, are the characters trying khổng lồ accomplish in “Rock in the Road” beyond what the show is trying khổng lồ accomplish? The show needs Rick khổng lồ meet King Ezekiel, but it also needs King Ezekiel to lớn be reticent khổng lồ take on the Saviors. So the closest thing Rick has to lớn a goal — convince King Ezekiel to lớn join his cause — is quickly thwarted by the show itself, simply because it needs khổng lồ extend this story for a few more weeks.

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This is why the highway sequence is the most successful part of the episode. The characters have an easily understandable goal, và they work khổng lồ achieve it against mounting odds. These are the most basic tenets of storytelling, but The Walking Dead often seems lớn have forgotten all about them, in favor of world building. (In “Rock in the Road,” for instance, Gabriel pretty much just drives off — seemingly having stolen most of Alexandria’s food — because the show needs the characters to lớn follow him và meet a new group of characters.)

World building, of course, is well & good, & TV shows need khổng lồ indulge in some of it. But it can be hard to resist the hotline of simply exploring new corners of a show’s world at the expense of actually telling a story. This is especially true of older shows, which struggle khổng lồ find new stories to tell, and, well, that sounds lượt thích The Walking Dead, right?

When The Walking Dead was at its best — back in the second half of season four & the first half of season one — it largely eschewed a larger, macro story in favor of a bunch of more compelling micro stories. It was ruthless with its characters and its plot momentum, và it didn’t much worry about overall build. Instead, it concentrated on producing satisfying standalone tales that slowly added up to something more.

That’s hard to bởi with a Big Bad like Negan getting in the way, và even in its stronger hours, season seven is a constant reminder of why that’s the case.

Watch: How a TV show gets made

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